
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Farewell~ My ddear friend....

Today is my last day meet my friend, Gold fish,Ann Chee, Simple united gang.... Today i went pasar malam with Gold fish and Ann Chee, really enjoy the moment together eating and chit chating. Today also is my last time dance breakdance before go NS, started to miss simple gang liao. I really like them so much, they really are funny and playful and they also love God.
Now is B time~ They ask us to make a team thn think step come out dance, so 5 girls of us is one team. I'm the leader, so i need to think the step. Aiyaya, headache, just hamtam la~
Thn 9.45p, is sniffer time, so we got to present what we have prepare. When after my group finished dancing, suddenly lights off, thn i saw a cake, i thought who's birthday is today, thn Gold fish told me is my farewell cake. wah! I on the spot cry lo. Shame Shame leh~~~XD
really touch, and Nicholas bake a super delicious chocolate farewell cake. Really delicious, the best chocolate cake i ever had. Thank you la, Nicholas~ U're a wonderful friend.
Thank you my dear simple friend, gold fish and Ann Chee and also Wilson ya. Love you all, Muackzzzz......Miss you all~ Don forget me ar... Andrea, I miss you too.....

Monday, June 15, 2009

Going National service for 3 months~ don miss me ya^^

Dear friends, Im going National service for three months. This Wednesday(17/6/09) go Kuala Pilah,Negeri Sembilan. Man~ I miss my best friends already. That day sunday I Hug Brenda Choo, I cried, Don't know why? sot sot, too emotional again. But I like the way I am, God created me this way such special I must appreciate God created methis way. Hehe, happy to be who I am.
Dear Simple, hope all you continue to dance for God. I come back will strive hard learn the steps, because when I come bac, I already miss alot lessons. Aiyaya, think of this very sad leh. I cannot dance for three months, I will crazy~@@ wakakaXD okla, miss you all.
Dear Josephine,Gold Fish, Andrea,Ann Chee,
take care and study smart. God bless you~ I love you all gals...
Muackssssss.........Dont be naughty when I'm not around ya=p If not i come back bit your buttock.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Strictly Street 2009, Floor Combat~ My first breakdance competition


我们在Wang Utama那里比赛,到现场时看到那些厉害得人,我自己都脚软。不过金鱼和安琪都有去为我打气所以心情比较轻松。真得很紧张,整个人都僵硬了,我的头脑一片空白。
不过我没有后悔来比赛,因为我第一次感受跳舞比赛的感觉. 因为我没有参加跳舞比赛过,所以很期待但是又很害怕,有够矛盾的.haha!
Shun Rong,Han Xiang and Ah Hon也一起去参加比赛,其实我们都抱着玩玩的心态去,我们并不是要赢只是拿经验. 我,Iyao and Ah Ying是one team. 终于到我们比赛了,Tai Bi liao!!!我们竟然打其中一个是全马来西亚最强的,Tai Bi Liao!!! Oh No!!!一开始是Iyao和Ah Ying跳先,他们跳的很好.到我跳时,开始不错的,到six steps我的脚突然间扭到,我就快点起来跳走.幸亏没事,整体说都不错.哈哈!!!^^ 终于跳完了,其实跳时也不会很紧张,我非常的享受和开心.希望我练得更好时,再去比赛,我不想等到老后悔没有去比赛.已经太迟了!!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Drill Camp finally finish la~ yeah!(2-3/6/09)

这是我们3rd kajang Boys' Brigade举办drill camp. 本来不想去的,想到我去NS每天也会操练,好痛苦。过后,经过一番的思考,我还是决定去啦。我觉得对自己有益处,因为我是Coperal又有Advanced drill badge,不会command和drill都做不好,真的是有够丢脸!这次的camp是两天一夜,第一天都累到半死,第二天都不知道会怎样。没想到在第二天情况非常不好。早上已经感觉身体不是很好,不过也没理会那么多。过了午餐,又开始drill啦。 Kawat时,头非常疼!头又很紧,完全无法思想!头也开始晕晕乎乎地。。。Tai Bi Le! Sgt Kok Hong看见我脸色不达好,就问我好okay吗?这次我说不好,因为再drill下去,会晕过去。所以就fall out,在一旁休息。那时Josephine还没走,她就跟我一起。还有,我要感谢她帮我按摩我的头疼的地方。谢谢你哦,好姐妹。我想说的是,若哪里弄你不开心,请原谅。不管发生什么事,我们还是很要好的姐妹。
大概休息半个小时,我的头脑清醒很多,没那么晕了,或许是我在太阳底下晒太久,我已经很久没晒太阳了。不过感谢上帝还是次给我力量,使我不易倒下来。经过这次的drill camp,我相信我们NCOs的drill会比以前更加好!我们一起加油啦!